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      • EN
      • At a time when almost everything can be digitally done up to perfection, the smudges and smears by graphite can be refreshing to the eye and unapologetically human – touching viewers to the core. As a creative tool, it can also be the simplest and most affordable medium with which to express oneself and find joy. Graphite is a stunning collection of pencil artwork by creatives around the world who have skillfully mastered the art of drawing by hand to make their mark. In a twist, the book is arranged by grading scale with works progressing from H or hardness to B or blackness and through every gradation in between. Featuring various subject matters and styles, it makes for a beautiful addition to the bookshelf and invites you to step away from your screen every now and then to, perhaps, pick up a pencil yourself and appreciate the simple things in life.

      • Title
      • Graphite : The H to B of Contemporary Pencil Art & Drawings
      • Price
      • KRW 50,000
      • Publisher
      • Victionary
      • ISBN
      • 9789887566526
        • Pages
        • 272pp
        • Size
        • 185mm x 245mm
        • Binding
        • Soft Cover

    At a time when almost everything can be digitally done up to perfection, the smudges and smears by graphite can be refreshing to the eye and unapologetically human – touching viewers to the core. As a creative tool, it can also be the simplest and most affordable medium with which to express oneself and find joy. Graphite is a stunning collection of pencil artwork by creatives around the world who have skillfully mastered the art of drawing by hand to make their mark. In a twist, the book is arranged by grading scale with works progressing from H or hardness to B or blackness and through every gradation in between. Featuring various subject matters and styles, it makes for a beautiful addition to the bookshelf and invites you to step away from your screen every now and then to, perhaps, pick up a pencil yourself and appreciate the simple things in life.


    거의 모든 것을 완벽하게 디지털 방식으로 처리할 수 있는 이 시기에 흑연으로 인한 얼룩과 얼룩은 눈에 상쾌함을 주고 사과할 필요 없이 인간적이며 시청자를 핵심으로 감동시킵니다. 창의적인 도구로서 흑연은 자신을 표현하고 즐거움을 찾기 위한 가장 단순하고 저렴한 미디어일지도 모릅니다. 그래파이트는 자신의 특징을 만들기 위해 손으로 그림을 그리는 기술을 능숙하게 습득한 전 세계 크리에이터들의 놀라운 연필 작품집입니다. 반전으로 이 책은 H 또는 경도에서 B 또는 검은색으로 진행되는 작품과 그 사이의 모든 그라데이션을 통해 눈금을 매기는 방식으로 배열됩니다. 다양한 주제와 스타일을 특징으로 하는 이 책은 책장에 아름다운 추가를 만들고 때때로 여러분이 여러분의 화면에서 벗어나 아마 여러분 자신이 연필을 들고 인생의 간단한 것들을 감상하도록 초대합니다.

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