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      • EN
      • At the beginning of 2020, just as global COVID-19 restrictions were coming into force, David Hockney was at his new house, studio and garden in Normandy. From there, he witnessed the arrival of spring, and recorded the blossoming of the surrounding landscape on his iPad, a method of drawing he has been using for over a decade. Drawing outdoors was an antidote to the anxiety of the moment for Hockney; “we need art, and I do think it can relieve stress,” he says. This uplifting publication―produced to accompany a major exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts―includes 116 of these new iPad drawings and shows to full effect Hockney's singular skill in capturing the exuberance of nature. The book begins with an interview with the show's curator, Edith Devaney, in which Hockney discusses his heralding of the spring. It also features augmented reality, an exciting technology that enables smartphones and tablets to recognize printed images and play a related film or animation.

      • Title
      • David Hockney : The Arrival of Spring in Normandy, 2020
      • Price
      • KRW 40,000
      • Publisher
      • Royal Academy of Arts
      • ISBN
      • 9781912520640
        • Pages
        • 168pp
        • Size
        • 255mm x 178mm
        • Binding
        • Hard Cover

    At the beginning of 2020, just as global COVID-19 restrictions were coming into force, David Hockney was at his new house, studio and garden in Normandy. From there, he witnessed the arrival of spring, and recorded the blossoming of the surrounding landscape on his iPad, a method of drawing he has been using for over a decade. Drawing outdoors was an antidote to the anxiety of the moment for Hockney; “we need art, and I do think it can relieve stress,” he says. This uplifting publication―produced to accompany a major exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts―includes 116 of these new iPad drawings and shows to full effect Hockney's singular skill in capturing the exuberance of nature. The book begins with an interview with the show's curator, Edith Devaney, in which Hockney discusses his heralding of the spring. It also features augmented reality, an exciting technology that enables smartphones and tablets to recognize printed images and play a related film or animation.


    2020년 초, 전 세계적인 COVID-19 제한이 시행되고 있을 때, 데이비드 호크니는 노르망디에 있는 자신의 새 집, 스튜디오, 정원에 있었습니다. 그는 그곳에서 봄이 오는 것을 목격하고, 10년 넘게 사용해 온 그림 방법인 자신의 아이패드에 주변 풍경의 만개를 기록했습니다. 야외에서 그림을 그리는 것은 호크니에게 지금의 불안감에 대한 해독제였습니다. "우리는 예술이 필요하고, 저는 그것이 스트레스를 해소할 수 있다고 생각합니다"라고 그는 말합니다. 왕립 예술원의 주요 전시회와 함께 제작된 이 고무적인 출판물은 116개의 새로운 아이패드 그림을 포함하고 있으며, 자연의 풍부함을 포착하는 호크니의 단일 기술을 최대한 발휘하는 것을 보여줍니다. 이 책은 쇼의 큐레이터인 에디스 데베이니(Edith Devaney)와의 인터뷰로 시작되며, 이 인터뷰에서 호크니는 봄에 대한 예고에 대해 논의합니다. 또한 스마트폰과 태블릿이 인쇄된 이미지를 인식하고 관련 영화나 애니메이션을 재생할 수 있도록 하는 흥미로운 기술인 증강 현실도 특징입니다.

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