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      • EN
      • I want to design a special stage for the characters. Japanese illustrator るきち helped design characters in games, animation and other media, but he likes to think about the world of characters and their daily lives, such as the culture they live in, what towns and houses they live in.Even when the characters set out on an adventure, they will carry props, food, and draw down their own illustrations to achieve a world view of the characters, objects, and background, and this book is a collection of motivations.

      • Title
      • るきち作品集 空想世界のもちもの(設定資料集)
      • Price
      • KRW 30,000
      • Publisher
      • 日貿出版社
      • ISBN
      • 9784817022158
        • Pages
        • 160pp
        • Size
        • 185mm x 255mm
        • Binding
        • Soft Cover

    I want to design a special stage for the characters. Japanese illustrator るきち helped design characters in games, animation and other media, but he likes to think about the world of characters and their daily lives, such as the culture they live in, what towns and houses they live in.Even when the characters set out on an adventure, they will carry props, food, and draw down their own illustrations to achieve a world view of the characters, objects, and background, and this book is a collection of motivations.


    캐릭터들을 위한 특별한 무대를 디자인하고 싶습니다. 일본의 일러스트레이터 るきち는 게임, 애니메이션 등 미디어에서 캐릭터 디자인을 도왔지만, 그들이 살고 있는 문화, 어느 마을, 어느 집에 살고 있는지 등 캐릭터의 세계와 그들의 일상을 생각하는 것을 좋아합니다. 캐릭터들이 모험을 떠날 때도 소품과 음식을 들고 다니며 자신만의 일러스트를 그려 캐릭터와 사물, 배경에 대한 세계관을 이루게 되는데, 이 책은 동기를 모아 놓은 책입니다.

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