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      • EN
      • Illustrator honojiro towoji's unique worldview, rendered in delicate brushstrokes, has made the artist extremely popular. In this poster book, features a total of 33 illustrations including 20 illustrations from "Shikino Memorie", which was first released as web series and included in "Honojiro Towoji Illustration Works", along with eight newly drawn illustrations and more. The back side of each poster shows the black-and-white drawings before coloring.

      • Title
      • ホノジロトヲジ シキノメモリエ ポスタ-ブック
      • Price
      • KRW 30,000
      • Publisher
      • Pie International
      • ISBN
      • 9784756251831
        • Pages
        • 77pp
        • Size
        • 258mm x 250mm
        • Binding
        • Soft Cover

    Illustrator honojiro towoji's unique worldview, rendered in delicate brushstrokes, has made the artist extremely popular. In this poster book, features a total of 33 illustrations including 20 illustrations from "Shikino Memorie", which was first released as web series and included in "Honojiro Towoji Illustration Works", along with eight newly drawn illustrations and more. The back side of each poster shows the black-and-white drawings before coloring.


    섬세한 붓놀림으로 그려낸 일러스트레이터 호노지로 토지의 독특한 세계관은 작가의 큰 인기를 끌었습니다. 이 포스터 북에는 웹 시리즈로 처음 출시돼 호노지로 토지 일러스트레이션 작품에 수록된 '시키노 메모리'의 일러스트 20여 점과 새로 그린 일러스트 8여 점 등 총 33점의 일러스트가 담겨 있습니다. 각 포스터의 뒷면에는 채색 전 흑백 그림이 그려져 있습니다.

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