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      • EN
      • Overwhelming drawing power and imagination that captivates the world. The author, who is also known as the "master of dark fantasy," has been creating a series of works for eight years that are medieval European fantasy based on original stories and illustrations. An ancient castle-like cathedral towering deep in the mountains, A dragon with a silver body that is worshiped as a god. A dark knight wearing vermilion armor and holding a huge sword... Its unique world composed of darkness and light is elaborate and majestic. Super realistic. Every detail is exquisitely detailed, including the shaping of characters such as gods and kings, the decoration of costumes, and the design of huge buildings.

      • Title
      • ORACLE gehn/ハイファンタジー物語画集
      • Price
      • KRW 35,000
      • Publisher
      • 小学館集英社プロダクション
      • ISBN
      • 9784796873727
        • Pages
        • 184pp
        • Size
        • 210mm x 257mm
        • Binding
        • Soft Cover

    Overwhelming drawing power and imagination that captivates the world. The author, who is also known as the "master of dark fantasy," has been creating a series of works for eight years that are medieval European fantasy based on original stories and illustrations. An ancient castle-like cathedral towering deep in the mountains, A dragon with a silver body that is worshiped as a god. A dark knight wearing vermilion armor and holding a huge sword... Its unique world composed of darkness and light is elaborate and majestic. Super realistic. Every detail is exquisitely detailed, including the shaping of characters such as gods and kings, the decoration of costumes, and the design of huge buildings.


    압도적인 드로잉 파워와 세상을 사로잡는 상상력. '다크 판타지의 대가'로도 불리는 작가는 독창적인 이야기와 삽화를 바탕으로 중세 유럽 판타지를 담은 작품을 8년째 연재하고 있습니다. 깊은 산속에 우뚝 솟은 고대의 성 같은 성당, 신으로 모시는 은빛 몸을 가진 용. 베르밀리온 갑옷을 입고 거대한 검을 들고 있는 어두운 기사... 어둠과 빛으로 이루어진 독특한 세계는 정교하고 장엄합니다. 매우 사실적입니다. 신과 왕과 같은 캐릭터의 모양, 의상의 장식, 거대한 건물의 디자인 등 모든 세부 사항이 절묘하게 상세합니다.

    상품 목록
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