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      • EN
      • Welcome to the dreamlike pastel-colored world created by Meyoco. Discover all with Polaris, her first commercial work collection. Meyoco is an illustrator based in Southeast Asia who has gained popularity mainly on social media. Natural elements such as flowers, waves, leaves, stars, and bubbles are suddenly infused with a cute and lovely quality when Meyoco colors them in pastels. Meyoco also explains the concept of her artworks in her own words. These cute characters and motifs drawn in lovely colors are sure to appeal to people all over the world.

      • Title
      • Polaris : The Art of Meyoco
      • Price
      • KRW 30,000
      • Publisher
      • Pie International
      • ISBN
      • 9784756253774
        • Pages
        • 192pp
        • Size
        • 190mm x 195mm
        • Binding
        • Soft Cover

    Welcome to the dreamlike pastel-colored world created by Meyoco. Discover all with Polaris, her first commercial work collection. Meyoco is an illustrator based in Southeast Asia who has gained popularity mainly on social media. Natural elements such as flowers, waves, leaves, stars, and bubbles are suddenly infused with a cute and lovely quality when Meyoco colors them in pastels. Meyoco also explains the concept of her artworks in her own words. These cute characters and motifs drawn in lovely colors are sure to appeal to people all over the world.


    메이요코가 만든 꿈 같은 파스텔 색깔의 세상에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 그녀의 첫 상업 작품 컬렉션인 폴라리스와 함께 모든 것을 발견하세요. 메이요코는 동남아시아에 기반을 둔 일러스트레이터로 주로 소셜 미디어에서 인기를 얻었습니다. 꽃, 파도, 잎, 별, 거품과 같은 자연 요소들은 메이요코가 파스텔로 색칠하면 갑자기 귀엽고 사랑스러운 품질로 주입됩니다. 메이요코는 또한 자신의 말로 자신의 예술 작품의 개념을 설명합니다. 사랑스러운 색상으로 그려진 이 귀여운 캐릭터와 모티프는 전 세계 사람들의 마음을 사로잡을 것입니다.

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