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      • EN
      • "If you have shaved, wind-dried, or smoked for the past 60 years with an electric razor, you owe it to the Dieter Rams to thank you." - New York Times Dieters is one of the 20th century's most influential product designers, who have defined the look, feel, and function of some of the world's most beloved consumer items for more than six decades. Using his 10 Principles for Good Design as a philosophy and practice to improve the industry in a more holistic and responsible way, the Rams are gaining worldwide fame. This special book composes a catalog of all the products Rams designed during his lifetime, a true celebration of his significant contributions to industry and product design. Including 300 color illustrations, the book is chronicled, and each product is accompanied by a detailed description and specification analysis, making it the ultimate reference guidebook for Rams fans.

      • Title
      • Dieter Rams : The Complete Works
      • Price
      • KRW 60,000
      • Publisher
      • Phaidon
      • ISBN
      • 9781838661533
        • Pages
        • 344pp
        • Size
        • 210mm x 275mm
        • Binding
        • Hard Cover

    "If you have shaved, wind-dried, or smoked for the past 60 years with an electric razor, you owe it to the Dieter Rams to thank you." - New York Times Dieters is one of the 20th century's most influential product designers, who have defined the look, feel, and function of some of the world's most beloved consumer items for more than six decades. Using his 10 Principles for Good Design as a philosophy and practice to improve the industry in a more holistic and responsible way, the Rams are gaining worldwide fame. This special book composes a catalog of all the products Rams designed during his lifetime, a true celebration of his significant contributions to industry and product design. Including 300 color illustrations, the book is chronicled, and each product is accompanied by a detailed description and specification analysis, making it the ultimate reference guidebook for Rams fans.


    "지난 60년 동안 전기면도기로 면도를 했거나, 머리를 바람에 말렸거나, 담배를 피웠다면 디터 람스에게 감사의 빚을 진 것일 가능성이 있습니다." – New York Times 디터 스는 60년 이상 동안 세계에서 가장 사랑 받는 몇몇 소비자 품목의 외관, 느낌, 그리고 기능을 정의해온 20세기의 가장 영향력 있는 제품 디자이너들 중 한 명입니다. 그의 '좋은 디자인을 위한 10가지 원칙'을 더 총체적이고 책임감 있는 방식으로 산업을 개선하기 위한 철학이자 실천으로 사용하면서, 램스는 세계적인 명성을 얻고 있습니다. 이 특별한 책은 람스가 일생 동안 디자인한 모든 제품의 카탈로그를 구성하는데, 이는 산업 및 제품 디자인 분야에 대한 그의 중요한 공헌에 대한 진정한 축하입니다. 300개의 색상 삽화를 포함하여, 이 책은 연대순으로 구성되어 있으며, 각 제품은 상세한 설명과 사양 분석을 동반하고 있어, 람스 팬들을 위한 궁극적인 참조 가이드북 입니다.

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