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      • EN
      • This is the ultimate edition of an introductory anatomical physiology! The structure and function of each part of the human body are mixed with physiology that studies the function of the human body, focusing on anatomy, and visual explanation is made easy for beginners to understand. Chapter 1 looks at each system, and Chapters 2 to 5 consist of one topic on both sides of the left and right for each part of the body. It can be understood in three dimensions with elaborate illustrations and rich commentary.

      • Title
      • ぜんぶわかる人体解剖図
      • Price
      • KRW 30,000
      • Publisher
      • 成美堂出版
      • ISBN
      • 9784415306193
        • Pages
        • 263pp
        • Size
        • 182mm x 255mm
        • Binding
        • Soft Cover

    This is the ultimate edition of an introductory anatomical physiology! The structure and function of each part of the human body are mixed with physiology that studies the function of the human body, focusing on anatomy, and visual explanation is made easy for beginners to understand. Chapter 1 looks at each system, and Chapters 2 to 5 consist of one topic on both sides of the left and right for each part of the body. It can be understood in three dimensions with elaborate illustrations and rich commentary.


    해부생리학 입문의 결정판입니다! 인체 각부의 구조와 기능을, 해부학을 중심으로, 인체의 기능을 연구하는 생리학도 섞어, 초보자에게도 알기 쉽게 비주얼 해설되어 있습니다. 1장에서는 계통별로 보고 2~5장까지는 몸의 부위별로 좌우 양면 1주제로 구성합니다. 정교한 일러스트와 풍부한 해설로 입체적으로 이해할 수 있습니다.

    상품 목록
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