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      • This 4th book in PIE International's background illustration series is a collection of dark, mysterious and strange illustrations. Fantastical and magical scenery, desolate landscapes, and weird creatures, this book collects 111 dark fantasy artworks from 30 illustrators, including renowned illustrators such as Posuka Demizu, the illustrator for the bestselling manga series The Promised Neverland, and YoShimizu, the cover illustrator for the 2nd book in the series Beautiful Scenes from a Fantasy World. The cover Illustration was drawn by Monokubu, who, with 217K+ followers on Twitter, is also getting attention in the Japanese illustration industry. This is the perfect reference book not just for fantasy art fans but also for illustrators and designers working in the gaming industry.

      • Title
      • Mysterious Scenes from a Dark Fantasy World
      • Price
      • KRW 40,000
      • Publisher
      • Pie International
      • ISBN
      • 9784756253927
        • Pages
        • 160pp
        • Size
        • 260mm x 250mm
        • Binding
        • Soft Cover

    This 4th book in PIE International's background illustration series is a collection of dark, mysterious and strange illustrations. Fantastical and magical scenery, desolate landscapes, and weird creatures, this book collects 111 dark fantasy artworks from 30 illustrators, including renowned illustrators such as Posuka Demizu, the illustrator for the bestselling manga series The Promised Neverland, and YoShimizu, the cover illustrator for the 2nd book in the series Beautiful Scenes from a Fantasy World. The cover Illustration was drawn by Monokubu, who, with 217K+ followers on Twitter, is also getting attention in the Japanese illustration industry. This is the perfect reference book not just for fantasy art fans but also for illustrators and designers working in the gaming industry.


    PIE International의 배경 일러스트 시리즈 4탄은 어둡고 신비로우며 기묘한 일러스트 컬렉션입니다. 환상적이고 마법같은 풍경, 황량한 풍경, 그리고 기묘한 생물들, 이 책은 베스트셀러 만화 시리즈 '약속의 네버랜드'의 일러스트레이터 Posuka Demizu씨, Yo Shimizu씨 등 유명한 일러스트레이터 30명으로부터 111점의 다크 판타지 작품을 모으고 있습니다, Beautiful Scenes from a Fantasy World' 시리즈 2탄 표지 일러스트레이터입니다. 표지 일러스트는 Twitter에서 217K 이상의 팔로워를 가진 모노노부 씨가 그려 일본 일러스트 업계에서도 주목을 받고 있습니다. 이것은 판타지 아트 팬뿐만 아니라 게임 업계에서 일하는 일러스트레이터나 디자이너에게도 최적의 참고서입니다.

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