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      • Overwhelming fantasy landscapes. The first art book by concept artist Yo Shimizu is finally published! The first art book of Yo Shimizu's work, featuring his series of breathtakingly beautiful and overwhelmingly fantastic landscapes, is finally available. The book contains more than 160 representative works of the artist, including illustrations of fantasy backgrounds, and illustrations with characters, which appeared on the paper bags at Comic Market 97. The book introduces a wide variety of Shimizu’s work to date, from fully-realized digital art to those that still retain the more natural touch of handwriting. At the end of the book, a feature on the making of the cover illustration is included with bilingual Japanese and English text, giving readers a glimpse into the techniques that Shimizu uses when drawing. Immerse yourself in the incomparably beautiful landscapes of fantastical imaginary worlds in FLEXIBLE.

      • Title
      • FLEXIBLE : The Art of Yo Shimizu
      • Price
      • KRW 40,000
      • Publisher
      • Pie International
      • ISBN
      • 9784756255396
        • Pages
        • 192pp
        • Size
        • 180mm x 255mm
        • Binding
        • Soft Cover

    Overwhelming fantasy landscapes. The first art book by concept artist Yo Shimizu is finally published! The first art book of Yo Shimizu's work, featuring his series of breathtakingly beautiful and overwhelmingly fantastic landscapes, is finally available. The book contains more than 160 representative works of the artist, including illustrations of fantasy backgrounds, and illustrations with characters, which appeared on the paper bags at Comic Market 97. The book introduces a wide variety of Shimizu’s work to date, from fully-realized digital art to those that still retain the more natural touch of handwriting. At the end of the book, a feature on the making of the cover illustration is included with bilingual Japanese and English text, giving readers a glimpse into the techniques that Shimizu uses when drawing. Immerse yourself in the incomparably beautiful landscapes of fantastical imaginary worlds in FLEXIBLE.


    압도적인 환상의 풍경들. 컨셉 아티스트 요 시미즈의 첫 번째 아트북이 드디어 출간되었습니다! 숨이 막힐 정도로 아름답고 압도적으로 환상적인 풍경을 담은 요시미즈 작품의 첫 번째 아트북이 드디어 출간되었습니다. 이 책에는 코믹마켓 97에서 종이가방에 등장한 판타지 배경 일러스트와 캐릭터 일러스트 등 작가의 대표작 160여 점이 포함되어 있습니다. 이 책은 완전히 실현된 디지털 아트부터 손글씨의 자연스러운 감각을 여전히 간직한 작품까지 시미즈의 작품을 지금까지 매우 다양하게 소개하고 있습니다. 책의 마지막에는 커버 일러스트레이션 제작에 관한 특징이 이중언어 일본어와 영어 텍스트와 함께 포함되어 있어 독자들에게 시미즈가 그림을 그릴 때 사용하는 기술을 엿볼 수 있습니다. 환상적인 상상의 세계의 비교할 수 없는 아름다운 풍경에 유연하게 몰입해 보세요.

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