전체상품목록 바로가기

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      • EN
      • Featuring 150 beautifully reproduced works from public and private collections across the world, this publication traces the trajectory of Hockney’s drawing practice by examining how he has revisited these five figures throughout his career. Highlights include a series of new portraits, colored pencil drawings created in Paris in the early 1970s, composite Polaroid portraits from the 1980s and a selection of drawings from an intense period of self-scrutiny during the 1980s when the artist created a self-portrait every day for two months.

      • Title
      • David Hockney : Drawing from Life
      • Price
      • KRW 60,000
      • Publisher
      • National Portrait Gallery Publications
      • ISBN
      • 9781855147973
        • Pages
        • 208pp
        • Size
        • 255mm x 275mm
        • Binding
        • Hard Cover

    Featuring 150 beautifully reproduced works from public and private collections across the world, this publication traces the trajectory of Hockney’s drawing practice by examining how he has revisited these five figures throughout his career. Highlights include a series of new portraits, colored pencil drawings created in Paris in the early 1970s, composite Polaroid portraits from the 1980s and a selection of drawings from an intense period of self-scrutiny during the 1980s when the artist created a self-portrait every day for two months.


    전 세계 공공 및 개인 컬렉션에서 아름답게 재현된 150개의 작품을 특징으로 하는 이 출판물은 호크니가 그의 경력 동안 어떻게 이 5개의 인물을 다시 방문했는지 조사함으로써 그의 그림 연습의 궤적을 추적합니다. 하이라이트는 일련의 새로운 초상화, 1970년대 초 파리에서 만들어진 색연필 그림, 1980년대의 복합 폴라로이드 초상화, 그리고 작가가 두 달 동안 매일 자화상을 만들었던 1980년대의 강렬한 자기 조사 기간의 그림들을 포함합니다.

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