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      • EN
      • Unmatched in his ingenuity, technical prowess, and curiosity, Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) epitomizes the humanistic ideal of the Renaissance man: a peerless master of painting, sculpture, cartography, anatomy, architecture―and more. Simultaneously captivating art historians, collectors, and the millions who flock yearly to admire his works, Leonardo’s appeal is as diffuse as were his preoccupations. His images permeate nearly every facet of Western culture―The Vitruvian Man is engraved into millions of Euro coins, The Last Supper is considered the single most reproduced religious painting in history, and the Mona Lisa has entranced countless artists and observers for centuries. An expansive catalog of nearly 700 of Leonardo’s drawings further illuminates the breadth of his pursuits. From diagrams of intricately engineered machines to portraits of plump infants, they stand reflective of his boundless and visionary technical imagination, balanced with a subtle and perceptive hand, capable of rendering quotidian moments with moving emotional timbre.

      • Title
      • Leonardo. The Complete Paintings and Drawings
      • Price
      • KRW 90,000
      • Publisher
      • TASCHEN
      • ISBN
      • 9783836576253
        • Pages
        • 704pp
        • Size
        • 215mm x 265mm
        • Binding
        • Hard Cover

    Unmatched in his ingenuity, technical prowess, and curiosity, Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) epitomizes the humanistic ideal of the Renaissance man: a peerless master of painting, sculpture, cartography, anatomy, architecture―and more. Simultaneously captivating art historians, collectors, and the millions who flock yearly to admire his works, Leonardo’s appeal is as diffuse as were his preoccupations. His images permeate nearly every facet of Western culture―The Vitruvian Man is engraved into millions of Euro coins, The Last Supper is considered the single most reproduced religious painting in history, and the Mona Lisa has entranced countless artists and observers for centuries. An expansive catalog of nearly 700 of Leonardo’s drawings further illuminates the breadth of his pursuits. From diagrams of intricately engineered machines to portraits of plump infants, they stand reflective of his boundless and visionary technical imagination, balanced with a subtle and perceptive hand, capable of rendering quotidian moments with moving emotional timbre.


    그의 독창성, 기술력, 그리고 호기심에서 타의 추종을 불허하는 레오나르도 다빈치 (1452–1519)는 르네상스 시대 사람의 인본주의적 이상을 전형적으로 보여줍니다: 회화, 조각, 지도 제작, 해부학, 건축 등의 비할 데 없는 거장. 미술 역사가, 수집가, 그리고 매년 그의 작품들에 감탄하기 위해 몰려드는 수백만 명의 사람들을 동시에 사로잡으면서, 레오나르도의 매력은 그의 열정만큼이나 확산되어 있습니다. 그의 이미지는 서양 문화의 거의 모든 면에 스며 있습니다 - '비트루비안의 남자'는 수백만 유로의 동전에 새겨져 있고, '최후의 만찬'은 역사상 가장 많이 재현된 유일한 종교 그림으로 여겨지고, '모나리자'는 수 세기 동안 수많은 예술가들과 관찰자들을 매료시켰습니다. 700여 점에 가까운 레오나르도의 그림들로 이루어진 광범위한 카탈로그는 그가 추구하는 범위를 더욱 밝혀줍니다. 복잡하게 조작된 기계들의 도표부터 통통한 유아들의 초상화까지, 그것들은 움직이는 감정적 음색과 함께 운율적인 순간들을 렌더링할 수 있는 미묘하고 지각력 있는 손과 균형을 이루는 무한하고 선견지명적인 기술적 상상력을 반영합니다.

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