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      • EN
      • Light has fascinated human beings since the dawn of mankind. To that end, iridescence is a compelling means to ideate and create, due to its ability to interact with light to produce captivating multi-coloured illusions that shift with the viewer's vantage point. Its kaleidoscopic nature also allows it to be subtle yet striking all at once, making it a versatile finish with lasting visual impact that pops.

        PALETTE 08: Iridescent explores the power and possibilities of a colour and a palette both existing in a single form through more than 100 creative projects from all around the world. Whether they are applied to create depth and dimension or used to transform physical attributes and perspectives, discover how artists and designers today are experimenting with holographic hues to generate new work and realms that intrigue and inspire.

      • Title
      • Palette 08 : Iridescent - Holographics in Design
      • Price
      • KRW 55,000
      • Publisher
      • Victionary
      • ISBN
      • 9789887774723
        • Pages
        • 256pp
        • Size
        • 185mm x250mm
        • Binding
        • Soft Cover

    Light has fascinated human beings since the dawn of mankind. To that end, iridescence is a compelling means to ideate and create, due to its ability to interact with light to produce captivating multi-coloured illusions that shift with the viewer's vantage point. Its kaleidoscopic nature also allows it to be subtle yet striking all at once, making it a versatile finish with lasting visual impact that pops.

    PALETTE 08: Iridescent explores the power and possibilities of a colour and a palette both existing in a single form through more than 100 creative projects from all around the world. Whether they are applied to create depth and dimension or used to transform physical attributes and perspectives, discover how artists and designers today are experimenting with holographic hues to generate new work and realms that intrigue and inspire.


    빛은 인류의 탄생부터 인간을 매료시켰습니다. 이를 위해 무지개 빛과 상호 작용하여 보는 사람의 관점에 따라 움직이는 매력적인 홀로그램 컬러는 상상력을 창조하기위한 설득력있는 수단입니다. 그 만화경 같은 성격 또한 그것이 미묘하면서도 한번에 모두를 매료하고, 그것이 팝이라는 지속적인 시각적 효과와 함께 다목적으로 사용되고 있습니다.

    'Pallete08'은 전세계에서 100 개 이상의 창조적인 프로젝트를 통해 하나의 형태로 존재하는 색상 팔레트의 힘과 가능성을 탐구. 그들이 깊이와 크기를 만드는데 적용되는지 여부, 또는 물리적 특성과 관점을 변환하는데 사용되는 여부, 음모를 꾸미고 영감 새로운 작품과 영역을 만들기 위해 오늘 아티스트와 디자이너는 어떻게 홀로그램 색상을 시도하고 있는가를 탐구하고있습니다.

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