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      • EN
      • From traditional human body drawing, character design, to concept art, to life design, knowledge of human anatomy is essential in order to create a dynamic and reliable body. Human Anatomy and Anatomy Visual Reference for Artists is an extensive human body reference guide that will greatly help you in various art creation works. With more than 240 photos, you can identify the mark points, precious postures, poses, and details of muscles and bones. In the picture, artist/illustrator Charlie Pickard's muscle, floor plan, and outline are overlapped and will help you understand.

      • Title
      • 아티스트를 위한 인체 아나토미 해부학 비주얼 레퍼런스 3dtotal
      • Price
      • KRW 42,000
      • Publisher
      • MGHBOOKS
      • ISBN
      • 9791186655849
        • Pages
        • 302pp
        • Size
        • 230mm x 283mm
        • Binding
        • Soft Cover

    From traditional human body drawing, character design, to concept art, to life design, knowledge of human anatomy is essential in order to create a dynamic and reliable body. Human Anatomy and Anatomy Visual Reference for Artists is an extensive human body reference guide that will greatly help you in various art creation works. With more than 240 photos, you can identify the mark points, precious postures, poses, and details of muscles and bones. In the picture, artist/illustrator Charlie Pickard's muscle, floor plan, and outline are overlapped and will help you understand.


    전통적인 인체 드로잉, 캐릭터 디자인부터 컨셉트 아트, 생명체 디자인에 이르기까지, 역동적이고 신빙성 있는 신체를 창작하기 위해서는 인체해부학 지식이 필수입니다. 『아티스트를 위한 인체 아나토미·해부학 비주얼 레퍼런스』는 다양한 아트 창작 작업에서 많은 도움이 될 광범위한 인체 레퍼런스 가이드입니다. 240장 이상의 사진으로 근육·뼈의 표지점·귀중한 자세/포즈·디테일을 파악할 수 있다. 사진에는 미술가/일러스트레이터 Charlie Pickard의 근육도·평면도·윤곽도가 중첩되어 있으며 여러분의 이해를 도울 것입니다.

    상품 목록
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