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      • EN
      • Today, the works of Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890) are among the most well known and celebrated in the world. In Sunflowers, The Starry Night, Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear, and many paintings and drawings beyond, we recognize an artist uniquely dexterous in the portrayal of mood and place through paint, pencil, charcoal, or chalk. Yet as he was deploying the lurid colors, emphatic brushwork, and contoured forms that would subsequently make his name, van Gogh battled not only the disinterest of his contemporary audience but also devastating bouts of mental illness. His episodes of depression and anxiety would eventually claim his life, when, in 1890, he committed suicide shortly after his 37th birthday. This richly illustrated introduction follows Vincent van Gogh’s story from his earliest pictures of peasants and rural workers, through his bright Parisian period, to his final, feverish burst of creative energy in the South of France during the last two and a half years of his life.

      • Title
      • Van Gogh
      • Price
      • KRW 28,000
      • Publisher
      • TASCHEN
      • ISBN
      • 9783836527361
        • Pages
        • 96pp
        • Size
        • 215mm x 263mm
        • Binding
        • Hard Cover

    Today, the works of Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890) are among the most well known and celebrated in the world. In Sunflowers, The Starry Night, Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear, and many paintings and drawings beyond, we recognize an artist uniquely dexterous in the portrayal of mood and place through paint, pencil, charcoal, or chalk. Yet as he was deploying the lurid colors, emphatic brushwork, and contoured forms that would subsequently make his name, van Gogh battled not only the disinterest of his contemporary audience but also devastating bouts of mental illness. His episodes of depression and anxiety would eventually claim his life, when, in 1890, he committed suicide shortly after his 37th birthday. This richly illustrated introduction follows Vincent van Gogh’s story from his earliest pictures of peasants and rural workers, through his bright Parisian period, to his final, feverish burst of creative energy in the South of France during the last two and a half years of his life.


    오늘날, 빈센트 반 고흐 (1853–1890)의 작품들은 세계에서 가장 잘 알려져 있고 기념되고 있는 작품들 중 하나입니다. 해바라기, 별이 빛나는 밤, 붕대를 감은 귀를 가진 자화상, 그리고 그 너머의 많은 그림들과 그림들에서, 우리는 페인트, 연필, 숯 또는 분필을 통해 기분과 장소의 묘사에 독특하게 손재주가 있는 예술가를 알아봅니다. 그러나 그가 음울한 색채, 강렬한 붓놀림, 그리고 나중에 자신의 이름을 알리게 될 윤곽 있는 형태들을 배치하는 동안, 반 고흐는 당대 관객들의 무관심뿐만 아니라 파괴적인 정신 질환을 앓으며 싸웠습니다. 그의 우울증과 불안의 에피소드들은 결국 그의 목숨을 앗아갔고, 1890년, 그는 37번째 생일 직후 자살을 했습니다. 이 풍부하게 묘사된 서론은 빈센트 반 고흐의 초기 농민과 농촌 노동자들의 사진부터 그의 밝은 파리 시절, 그의 삶의 마지막 2년 반 동안 프랑스 남부에서 그의 마지막 열광적인 창조 에너지 폭발까지 그의 이야기를 따릅니다.

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