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      • EN
      • The work of Henri Matisse (1869–1954) reflects an ongoing belief in the power of brilliant colors and simple forms. Though famed in particular for his paintings, Matisse also worked with drawing, sculpture, lithography, stained glass, and collage, developing his unique cut-out medium when old age left him unable to stand and paint. Matisse’s subjects were often conventional. nudes, portraits, and figures in landscapes, Oriental scenes, and interior views, but in his handling of bold color and fluid draftsmanship, he secured his place as a 20th-century master. It was Matisse’s palette that particularly thrilled the modern imagination. With vivid blue, amethyst purple, egg-yolk yellow, and many shades beyond he liberated his work from a meticulous representation of reality and sought instead a “vital harmony,” often referring to music as an inspiration or analogy for his work. A comprehensive and informative source, this lavishly illustrated publication has been revised in close collaboration with the Matisse estate. Including preparatory studies, full-page reproductions, and enlarged details, discover the artist's adventurous path, from the chromatic brilliance of his Fauve period, right through to his invention of gouache cut-outs at the ripe age of 80. Each image has been reproduced with painstaking care to create a viewing experience worthy of the expressionist par excellence. The bard of color deserves no less.

      • Title
      • Matisse
      • Price
      • KRW 28,000
      • Publisher
      • TASCHEN
      • ISBN
      • 9783836529044
        • Pages
        • 96pp
        • Size
        • 215mm x 263mm
        • Binding
        • Hard Cover

    The work of Henri Matisse (1869–1954) reflects an ongoing belief in the power of brilliant colors and simple forms. Though famed in particular for his paintings, Matisse also worked with drawing, sculpture, lithography, stained glass, and collage, developing his unique cut-out medium when old age left him unable to stand and paint. Matisse’s subjects were often conventional. nudes, portraits, and figures in landscapes, Oriental scenes, and interior views, but in his handling of bold color and fluid draftsmanship, he secured his place as a 20th-century master. It was Matisse’s palette that particularly thrilled the modern imagination. With vivid blue, amethyst purple, egg-yolk yellow, and many shades beyond he liberated his work from a meticulous representation of reality and sought instead a “vital harmony,” often referring to music as an inspiration or analogy for his work. A comprehensive and informative source, this lavishly illustrated publication has been revised in close collaboration with the Matisse estate. Including preparatory studies, full-page reproductions, and enlarged details, discover the artist's adventurous path, from the chromatic brilliance of his Fauve period, right through to his invention of gouache cut-outs at the ripe age of 80. Each image has been reproduced with painstaking care to create a viewing experience worthy of the expressionist par excellence. The bard of color deserves no less.


    앙리 마티스 (1869–1954)의 작품은 밝은 색과 단순한 형태의 힘에 대한 지속적인 믿음을 반영합니다. 특히 그의 그림으로 유명하지만, 마티스는 또한 드로잉, 조각, 석판화, 스테인드 글라스, 콜라주 작업을 하여 노년에 그가 서거나 그림을 그릴 수 없게 되었을 때 그의 독특한 절단 매체를 개발했습니다. 마티스의 주제들은 종종 관습적이었습니다. 풍경, 동양적인 풍경, 그리고 내부 풍경에서 누드, 초상화, 그리고 인물들이었지만, 대담한 색상과 유동적인 초안 기술을 다루는 그의 방식에서, 그는 20세기 거장으로서의 자리를 확보했습니다. 현대 상상력을 특별히 흥분시킨 것은 마티스의 팔레트였습니다. 선명한 파란색, 자수정 보라색, 난황 노란색, 그리고 그 이상의 많은 음영들로, 그는 현실의 세심한 표현으로부터 그의 작품을 해방시켰고, 종종 그의 작품에 대한 영감이나 비유로서 음악을 언급하면서, 대신 "활력 있는 조화"를 추구했습니다. 포괄적이고 정보를 제공하는 이 호화로운 삽화 출판물은 마티스 유산과 긴밀한 협력을 통해 수정되었습니다. 준비 연구, 전체 페이지 복제 및 확대된 세부 사항을 포함하여 파우브 시대의 반음계적인 탁월함부터 80세의 무르익은 나이에 구아슈 잘라내기를 발명하기까지 예술가의 모험적인 길을 발견하십시오. 각각의 이미지는 표현주의자의 탁월함에 걸맞은 감상 경험을 만들기 위해 세심한 주의로 재현되었습니다. 유색인종의 음유시인은 그에 못지않게 가치가 있습니다.

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