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      • EN
      • The first commercial collection of work by Nanaco Yashiro, an illustrator who has attracted international attention for her fluid lines, vivid colors, and vintage style. Nanaco Yashiro’s illustrations feature various motifs such as a woman in a feathered robe from Japanese mythology, a large tiger reminiscent of Arabia, a man in a spacesuit, and concept art for an imaginary movie about heaven and hell that the illustrator created herself and are each drawn sometimes in delicately refined watercolor brushwork and at other times in bold strokes with acrylic gouache. While the themes and motifs may vary, all of them depict Nanaco Yashiro’s signature style which is sure to continue fascinating her audience forever. This book contains nearly 120 carefully selected illustrations, including many that have been newly drawn for this book, which are grouped in different themes, such as plants, animals, beautiful women, and fairytales, allowing readers to enjoy the lovely and mysterious world of Yashiro’s works. This book will not only appeal to Nanaco Yashiro's current fans but will also captivate those who are new to her beautiful, delicate, and colorful illustrations.

      • Title
      • Wonderland : The Art of Nanaco Yashiro
      • Price
      • KRW 30,000
      • Publisher
      • Pie International
      • ISBN
      • 9784756255471
        • Pages
        • 168pp
        • Size
        • 187mm x 220mm
        • Binding
        • Soft Cover

    The first commercial collection of work by Nanaco Yashiro, an illustrator who has attracted international attention for her fluid lines, vivid colors, and vintage style. Nanaco Yashiro’s illustrations feature various motifs such as a woman in a feathered robe from Japanese mythology, a large tiger reminiscent of Arabia, a man in a spacesuit, and concept art for an imaginary movie about heaven and hell that the illustrator created herself and are each drawn sometimes in delicately refined watercolor brushwork and at other times in bold strokes with acrylic gouache. While the themes and motifs may vary, all of them depict Nanaco Yashiro’s signature style which is sure to continue fascinating her audience forever. This book contains nearly 120 carefully selected illustrations, including many that have been newly drawn for this book, which are grouped in different themes, such as plants, animals, beautiful women, and fairytales, allowing readers to enjoy the lovely and mysterious world of Yashiro’s works. This book will not only appeal to Nanaco Yashiro's current fans but will also captivate those who are new to her beautiful, delicate, and colorful illustrations.


    유동적인 라인과 비비드한 컬러, 빈티지한 스타일로 국제적인 주목을 받은 일러스트레이터인 나나코 야시로의 첫 번째 상업적인 작품 컬렉션입니다. 야시로 나나코의 삽화는 일본 신화에 나오는 깃털 달린 로브를 입은 여자, 아라비아를 연상시키는 큰 호랑이, 우주복을 입은 남자, 그리고 일러스트레이터가 직접 그린 천국과 지옥에 관한 상상 영화 콘셉트 아트 등 다양한 모티브를 가지고 있으며 때로는 섬세하게 정제된 수채화 붓놀림으로, 때로는 아크릴 구아슈로 대담하게 그려집니다. 주제와 모티브는 다양하겠지만, 모두 영원히 관객들을 매료시킬 것이 확실한 야시로 나나코의 시그니처 스타일을 묘사하고 있습니다. 이 책에는 식물, 동물, 아름다운 여자, 동화 등 다양한 주제로 묶여 있는 이 책을 위해 새롭게 그린 많은 삽화를 포함해 120여 점의 엄선된 삽화가 포함되어 있어, 독자들은 야시로의 작품의 사랑스럽고 신비로운 세계를 즐길 수 있습니다. 이 책은 야시로 나나코의 현재 팬들의 마음을 사로잡을 뿐만 아니라, 아름답고 섬세하며 다채로운 삽화가 처음인 이들의 마음을 사로잡을 것입니다.

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