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      • EN
      • Furnitecture is a sourcebook exploring the furnishings, interior environments, and solutions for small spaces at the meeting point between design and architecture. The book features the work of a rising generation of designers across the globe who are starting to think about furniture in an architectural way, resulting in pieces that brilliantly transform interior spaces. Boosted by digital design and new manufacturing possibilities, furniture design that morphs into “micro architecture” is one of the most innovative fields of design today. Surveyed here are hundreds of examples of these objects, including bookshelves that can dynamically divide and reshape a room, chairs that create intimate room-like enclosures, and self-contained, expandable kitchen cubes. From Chicago-based firm Bureau Spectacular’s “Briefcase house,” and Japanese architect Shigeru Ban’s moving boxes within rooms to Dutch designers Makkink & Bey’s conversational Ear Chairs and the French atelier 37.2’s series of self-standing cubes, Furnitecture opens the door to a world of design invention and innovation.

      • Title
      • Furnitecture : Furniture That Transforms Space
      • Price
      • KRW 30,000
      • Publisher
      • Thames&Hudson
      • ISBN
      • 9780500517765
        • Pages
        • 272pp
        • Size
        • 185mm x 185mm
        • Binding
        • Hard Cover

    Furnitecture is a sourcebook exploring the furnishings, interior environments, and solutions for small spaces at the meeting point between design and architecture. The book features the work of a rising generation of designers across the globe who are starting to think about furniture in an architectural way, resulting in pieces that brilliantly transform interior spaces. Boosted by digital design and new manufacturing possibilities, furniture design that morphs into “micro architecture” is one of the most innovative fields of design today. Surveyed here are hundreds of examples of these objects, including bookshelves that can dynamically divide and reshape a room, chairs that create intimate room-like enclosures, and self-contained, expandable kitchen cubes. From Chicago-based firm Bureau Spectacular’s “Briefcase house,” and Japanese architect Shigeru Ban’s moving boxes within rooms to Dutch designers Makkink & Bey’s conversational Ear Chairs and the French atelier 37.2’s series of self-standing cubes, Furnitecture opens the door to a world of design invention and innovation.


    가구 건축은 디자인과 건축의 만남에서 가구, 내부 환경 및 작은 공간에 대한 해결책을 탐구하는 소스 북입니다. 이 책은 건축적인 방식으로 가구에 대해 생각하기 시작하여 내부 공간을 훌륭하게 변형시키는 조각을 만들어내는 전 세계의 떠오르는 디자이너 세대의 작업을 특징으로 합니다. 디지털 디자인과 새로운 제조 가능성에 힘입어, "소형 건축"으로 변화하는 가구 디자인은 오늘날 가장 혁신적인 디자인 분야 중 하나입니다. 여기서 조사된 것은 방을 동적으로 분할하고 모양을 바꿀 수 있는 책장, 친밀한 방 같은 인클로저를 만드는 의자, 그리고 독립적이고 확장 가능한 주방 큐브를 포함하여 이러한 물체의 수백 가지 예입니다. 시카고에 본사를 둔 회사 Bureau Spectacular의 "Briefcase House"와 일본 건축가 Shigeru Ban의 방 안에 있는 이삿짐 상자부터 네덜란드 디자이너 Makink & Bey의 대화형 이어 체어(Ear Chairs)와 프랑스 아틀리에 37.2의 자립형 큐브 시리즈인 Furniture는 디자인 발명과 혁신의 세계로 문을 엽니다.

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